Historical Influencers in Cádiz – Trivia Edition
As the oldest inhabited city in Spain, Cádiz has seen many different civilizations pass through its lands as well as a few famous historical people.
In today’s blog, see if you can guess these 5 famous historical figures who left their mark on Cádiz. Ready to test your history knowledge? Let’s dive in!
1st Famous Historical Person:
Historically—and one of my favorites—this individual held several titles and was worshiped by many. He came from a mighty lineage on his father’s side, but his relationship with his stepmom was toxic at best. Family dynamics and tragedy led him to travel throughout the Mediterranean. He is known for his many adventures. One of his most notable deeds was separating Africa from Europe.
Do you know who he is?

Reveal: Hercules!
Hercules is near and dear to the hearts of the people of Cádiz as he is considered the founder of the city. According to Greek legend, his tenth labor brought him to these shores as he was tasked with stealing the golden cattle from King Geryon, thus making him the first “man” to set foot on the sandy beaches of Cádiz. They even say part of Hercules’s ashes were buried in the temple of Melkart, built by the Phoenicians on the island of Santi Petri in San Fernando.
Want to explore more about Hercules’s connection to Cádiz? Join one of our historical walking tours to visit the Monumento a la Constitución de 1812 and more!
2nd Famous Historical Person:
Our second famous figure was born into an aristocratic family. His father, a famous general, was well-respected by his soldiers and adversaries alike. Brought to the Iberian Peninsula at age 9, this individual grew up in the city of Cádiz. Following in the footsteps of his father, he took command of the army at the age of 25.
He spent 16 years campaigning against his biggest enemy, a mighty empire. His military success has made him one of the greatest commanders in history.
Give up? Here’s one more clue: His most famous expedition took him over the Alps with 40 war elephants.
His most famous expedition took him over the alps with 40 war elephants.
His name translates to the “grace of Ba’al,” which was an important god he and his people worshiped.

Reveal: Hannibal Barca (I am sure you got it once I mentioned the war elephants).
Hannibal Barca, son of Hamilcar Barca, was made to swear an oath at the age of nine to ‘never be friends with Rome.’ A promise he kept. Hannibal spent over 17 years battling the Romans, hoping to free his home city, Carthage, from their tyranny. Ultimately, the Punic Wars ended, and Hannibal went on to live many more years as an exile and a political advisor. His legacy as a brilliant military strategist endures to this day.He ultimately died in his mid 60’s either by taking his own life or of an illness (history is unsure). Although according to historical records, he supposedly joked that he might as well ´off himself´ as the Romans could not.
Learn more about Cádiz’s fascinating ties to Carthage on our in-depth historical tours!
3rd Famous Historical Person:
This famous figure visited Spain on four occasions, and each time, he stopped by Cádiz. Known for his military prowess and political ambitions, he overthrew his government and proclaimed himself Dictator for Life. This individual was considered very handsome and married three times, but he is also known for a 14-year affair with a famous Egyptian queen. He was eventually assassinated.
Need one last hint? Shakespeare wrote a play about his life and tragic death.

Reveal: Julius Caesar
During the 2nd century BCE, Rome began to expand into Spain, and settlements like Gadir (modern-day Cádiz) became Romanized. Julius Caesar visited the Temple of Melkart (now known as the Temple of Hercules) during one of his assignments in Hispania. There, he famously wept upon seeing the statue of Alexander the Great, lamenting that by the age of 33, Alexander had conquered the world.
Follow in Caesar’s footsteps and discover Cádiz’s Roman heritage on our tours!
4th Famous Historical Person:
This man, although considered a hero during his time, may seem like quite a disreputable person today. Famously known as the second individual to circumnavigate the world, he was one of the first in his country to own slaves and the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish hated him and gave him the nickname “El Draque” or “Draco,” meaning “dragon” in Latin.
Final clue: His most infamous action was dubbed the ‘Singeing the King of Spain’s beard.’

Reveal: Sir Francis Drake
I know, I know this historical person was a little more difficult. So what does Sir Francis Drake have to do with Cádiz?
Sir Francis Drake, a British sea captain and privateer (though the Spanish saw him as a pirate), led a devastating raid on Cádiz in 1587, delaying the Spanish Armada’s plans to invade England by a year. His love for looting Spanish treasures earned him a reputation as a thorn in Spain’s side.
Discover the naval history of Cádiz and its role in international conflicts on our tours.
5th Famous Historical Person:
Our final figure, though not historically famous yet, has graced Cádiz with her presence as part of Hollywood’s elite. Known for her glamour and good looks, this individual began her career on the beauty pageant circuit and has won several awards, including a unique distinction no one else holds to this day.
Hint: She filmed a scene for the 20th movie in a globally popular movie series in Cádiz
I am sure you have guessed it by now:

Reveal: Halle Berry
Halle Berry filmed the iconic beach scene in the James Bond movie Die Another Day at La Caleta Beach in Cádiz. The city was chosen as a stand-in for Havana, Cuba, thanks to their similar appearance. Fun fact: Cádiz and Havana are sister cities!
How many of these figures did you guess correctly? Share your score in the comments below or tag us on social media to let us know! Are you ready to explore Cádiz’s rich history? Join one of our walking tours and dive into the legends and lore of Europe’s oldest inhabited city. Learn more here!